Audio Critique is intended to provoke a totally new manner of thinking about our audio world, without the politics and the suppression and censorship of information and opinion found in most print magazines and websites, especially those with advertising. At present there are a variety of critical essays concerned with the high-end audio world; including the various businesses and the so-called "underground press".
Audio Background: Of the author, owner and editor, Arthur Salvatore. I've been involved in audio for more than 50 years, but the essay is very short.
Audio Philosophy: Of the author. This is where my experiences, beliefs and basic outlook are presented in depth and in straight forward terms that even beginners can understand. The reasons for these beliefs are also found here.
My Audio System: Is described in detail here. An audiophile's personal choice of components is always an important aid to discover his or her real tastes and priorities, especially if you had to actually pay for them, as I did.
The List of Reference Components: Is very lengthy and exhaustive, covering all the components from the "Golden Age" of the 1950's to the present. This list took several months of research and writing to initially put together and countless hours since then to update.
It is different than any other list ever published, because all the components ever made are eligible. The standards of inclusion are described in detail (for once), and are also much more difficult to satisfy. All the "Reference Components" have short descriptions as to their capabilities, unspoken weaknesses and why they are included.
The Supreme Recordings: This is a list of the finest sounding LPs I have ever heard. There are more than 300 LPs on this list, and each one of them has a description of its sonic attributes, and the alternative pressings and recordings, if applicable. There are hundreds of other records also mentioned in a separate list titled: The Honorable Mentions. They also have many excellent qualities.
Overrated (and overpriced) labels, pressings and records are also finally exposed for what they really are, and in detail. There are also additional essays on famous records and labels, objective LP comparisons, original pressings, reissues and a number of personal anecdotes concerning LPs.
This is a lengthy download and read, more than 150 pages. I intend this to be a true "Reference" of LP excellence for vinyl enthusiasts.
FURTHER: I have chosen the records that are the finest ever made of their type (Orchestra, chamber, jazz, choral, rock, ethnic, opera, most dynamic, piano, etc). Most of these LPs have never received serious recognition from any other source, and even better, some are still available new from the larger record mail-order businesses.
Purchasing Used LP's: This essay offers advice for those readers who are still purchasing Classical Music records. I describe my general experiences with different labels and pressings, but not specific recordings or pressings. I am also extremely critical of many "used record dealers" and "collectors" and the self-serving, ignorant and nonsensical "information" they (have and still) advocate.
The Audio Press: Is an essay that is both very critical and quite lengthy. It is my strong belief that most of the audio magazines, and certainly the most visible and well known, have betrayed their paying readers, and the entire audio world for that matter. My many criticisms go as far as they can without generating a libel case.
Reviewing the 'Reviewers': Is a totally unique collection of essays that is dedicated to taking a second look at some recent audio reviews, both in print and on the Internet, and the behavior of some prominent reviewers and their editors. The purpose of all this:
No one in the entire audio reviewing establishment is too big, or too important, to escape scrutiny here, and all "the names" are named. These include: Michael Fremer, Harry Pearson and John Atkinson.
The Modification File now exists and has basic information, pictures and instructions, but it's still a "work in progress".
I hope that browsing this section first, in depth, will eventually help you in discovering your own general direction in audio and even give you the information, overview and confidence to help you in deciding the type and actual choice of your future audio components and some musical software (LP) selections.
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I respond to almost every e-mail sent to this website, but it may take a while, depending on my available time. The shorter and more precise the e-mail, the quicker it will be answered.
If you have a question, or want personal advice and/or consultation:
Important Notice- As of October 1, 2012, there is a minimum fee of $ 10 for me to answer a simple enquiry, which means any question that I can answer quickly without research. Anything else will cost more and I will accordingly provide quotes for approval. PayPal is being used for its convenience, universality and security. If interested, click on "Ask Arthur".
There are two exemptions to the payment fees. 1. Those readers who have provided an important service (usually information that was posted) to this website over the years. 2. Those situations where I feel that I overlooked something important and/or was obscure in my post, and thus some necessary clarification is required on my part. That will always be gratis. I don't believe in being unfair or petty, especially to my own readers.
Telephone Conversations- If a reader feels it is necessary to actually talk to me directly, this can be arranged if I also feel it is appropriate. There will be a minimum fee of $ 50. Ask for the details before paying the fee.
Finally, a veteran reader wrote that I "should also have a link for (generic) donations to keep the website going". I replied that the Donation button can also be used by appreciative readers for that purpose. Needless to say, any unsolicited donation from a generous reader receives my sincerest thanks and gratitude.
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